Wednesday, 26 October 2016

The Roll of Institutional Context and Time In Teacher Education.

Roll No.: 5

Enrollment No: PG15101005

Assignment Topic: The Roll of Institutional Context and time in Teacher


Submitted: Smt S.B Gardi Department of English Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji

 Bhavnagar University.

Year: 2015-2017


Second Language Teacher Education: Unit:4, ch:10- by Freeman. Freeman's

view about Second Language(L2), the gap between teacher education and 

knowledge construction, different strategies of teacher education and role of 

Institute and time.

What is Second Language Teacher Education?

Second Language(L2) Teacher Education describes the Field of Professional

 activity through which individuals learn to teacher L2. (As per Freeman's view)

 Second Language teacher education (SLTE) is book by C.Richards and David

 Nunan. In this text they provides a detailed about current approaches to the

 education of second language. Teacher education is also connected with 

teacher  development.

Formal Activities are generally referred to as teacher training. Experienced 

teacher, individual basis are referred to as teacher development. The shifting

 ground of terminology has plagued L2 teacher education for at least the past 30

 years. The four-word concept has tended to be an awkward integration; as per

 relative emphasis has shifted the focus among these four words has migrated

 from thus capturing the evaluation in the concept of L2 teacher education in the  field.

Here content is second language, person is the teacher and process of learning 

means ultimate goal of the learning process is education.(Freeman's view)

The field of teacher education is a relatively under-explored one in both Second 

and Foreign language teaching. The Literature on teacher education in language

 teaching is slight compared with the literature on issues such as methods and

 techniques for classroom teaching.- Richards and Nunan 1990. 

In teacher education role of time and place are very important tools. These are

basic things in teacher education they are necessary part of any educational


Institution is very important and basic step of education because from the very 

beginning institution plays a vital role for learner as well as teacher. Time is also

 another important step; because of time teacher and learner both learn 


They three are connected with each other, now we deeply understand that how

 institution and time are imortant in teacher education.

The Role of Institutional Context:

Firstof all what is institute?

Institute is a kind of organization having a particular purpose; another meaning 

is place for advanced learning. (Encarta Dictionary)

Prior knowledge in teacher education has lead directly to serious 

reconsideration of the role of institutional context in learning to teach clearly 

teacher-learners's idea about teaching stem from their expeiences as students in 

the context of schools; similarly their new practices as teachers are also shaped 

by these institutional environments. One big question is;

What is the role of schools in learning to teach?

What is the role of institute in education system?

Answer of these question is – institutional environments can shape impede, 

encourage, or discourage new teachers. Classrooms, Students and Schools have

 been seen as seating practice in which teacher-learner can implement what they

 are learning or have learned in formal teacher education.In teacher education 

teacher-learner learn how to teach; in institutional context teacher learn and teach both

 the things together. Role of the institution has been much more central.

As researchers have looked at schools are more effective than others. Institute is 

organized within a defined set of formal and informal beliefs, values, roles, and

 behaviors. Institute is mixture of so many things main is sociocultural forces and values

 are also a part of institutions.

An institution therefore refers to:

 1) The setting of the activity- design, location and 
anything that is removed from that many influence.

 2) The structure of the activity- the various restrictions that are added to or removed to activity is organized. 

3) An attitude of the members- the various policies, rules, roles, hierarchies of the members.

 4) In role of institutional context teacher education inplace Freeman and other thinkers gave examples and exemplified the things;

For example: in the late 1980s drawing on work in the sociology of education, 

researchers began to investigate the notion of schools as ‘technical cultures’ (Rosenholtz 1989) Kleinsasser and Sauvignon 1992: 293 define these cultures as; 
the processes designed to accomplish an organization’s goals and determine how work 

is to be carried out”. This research as well as other work in teacher cognition has helped

 to establish that learning to teach is not simplified a matter of translating ideas 
encountered in teacher education setting into the classroom. (Freeman and other researchers’ idea)

Clark and Peterson 1986 they talk about TESOL

TESOL: Teaching English to Speaker of Other Language.

Main two types of institutes I) Formal institute and II) Informal institute. 
1. Formal institutions: Are defined by the agenda, mission, statement, objectives,

 values and behaviors of the business, service or organization. These are generally set out

 by a code of ethics and behaviors that can be used to measure the outcome of the 

institution; these institutions….

Provides the role of the business, service or organization within society for this

information questions are also related with this that what is its role?

-Defines the way business, service or organization functions within society when how 

does it doThird is about business that is boundaries of the organization when does it do 

- Defines the role of the members in institute who does what?

This all factors are related with context of place in education. Process of 

institutionalization starts within our family, we can plan and work toward future and 

those institutions are a part of the background. The amount of restrictions in the person’s 

life depends on the institutional care as well as the skills and resources of the service or 

educational institute.

Goff man acknowledge that the concept of a “ total institution” is a concept only that 

institutions can never be total but can be positioned on a continuous from open to closed.

 Goff man uses the term “institution” to describe the building, the idea of 

institutionalized context is observed by Goff man and other researchers as well.

It is also interesting that a person is not considered institutionalized where the

 experiences and outcomes of the institutionalized care are positively valued.’
2. Informal institutions:

 It allows the members or groups to function within the organization. These kind of 

institutions may according what the members do within the organization. These 

institutions are informal because they are more about the way these members and the 

groups interact with each other rather any formal policies, rules or regulations.

These informal institutions could also be described as the social systems of organization 

or community.

- Departments

- Divisions


The institutions of each layer also determine the way community functions within

society. Institutional project which engage an entire school or academic department in 

rethinking and reworking all aspects of its work or once which link schools tend to adopt 

a systemic approach to schools tend to territory teacher education institutions in 

professional development and educational change. (Fullan-1991-93) 
These initiatives are predicated on the notion that teacher educational change, because of 

this education field achieves their goals.

This change holds that no single, discrete entity can be fully understood apart from 

complex whole of which it is an integral part.

The whole concept provides the context without which ourknowledge of the part is 

necessarily limited, (Clark-1998:64) concept of school and social process of schooling 

this entire process, and idea given by (Freeman and Johnson. 1998) 
The Role of Time:

In second Language Teacher Education role of time is another important tool. 

Appropriate time for teacher learner is three year. In this time teacher-learner 

learns so many things. This three are basic year of teacher education. Freeman and 

other scholars idea are presented here; If school as institutions provide teacher 

education with a context in space, teacher-learners’ personal and professional lives

offer a similar context in and through time. Here researchers’ talk about prior to

the work of Lortie(1975) and others, the nation of teachers’ professional life spans 

was not a major concerns. Major research and conceptualizations by Berliner 

(1986), Huber man (1993) and others served to establish the concept of professional 

development throughout a teacher’s career. This concept definite stage in the 

development of knowledge and practice. It is clear that at different stages in their 

careers, teacher have different professional interests and concerns. 
For example: this research shows novice teacher

Novice teacher means those who have less than three year classroom experience. Those

novice teachers tend to be concerned with carrying out their image by managing the 

classroom and controlling student. 
On these concerns another expert teachers tend to concern themselves with the purpose 

and objectives of their teaching and how they may be accomplishing them.Expert teacher 
means those who have five or more than five year’s experienced in classroom. One of 

the basic contexts of teacher education is time also, in that many things are necessary in 

the role of time; strategies of reflection, self-assessment, inquiry, and particular research 
may be more suited for these learners of teaching.


In time between specific needs and broad professional development. In place between 

the school and teacher education institution here main point in knowledge between what

teacher learners believe and what should they know. That will always be central in the

provision of teacher education providers of teacher education can account of time, place 

and prior knowledge in their programme designed so in teacher education context of 

time and place both are very important steps.

Thank You...

Works cites :-

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