Sunday, 18 October 2015

Characteristics of Anti-Sentimental Comedy

Name: Zarna Bhatti
Course: M.A. Sm-1
Paper no: 2 The Neo-classical Literature
Topic: Characteristics of Anti-sentimental Comedy with reference to Sheridan and Goldsmith’s plays
Year: 2015-2017
Enrollment: PG15101005
Submitted by: Smt. S.B. Gardi Department of English
M.k. Bhavnagar University
Anti-sentimental Comedy:
First of all I presented what is comedy? The word comedy is generally used for a kind of play which ends happily. A genuine comedy has the atmosphere of delight with sparking fun throughout the play. Shakespeare and Benjonson are the modern masters of comedy. Comedy’s can be divided into following kinds:
1.   Classical comedy :
The classical writers like Plato, Aristophanes. The most important rules are observance of three unities of time, places and action
2.   Romantic comedy:
The Shakespeare comedy is romantic in spirit and construction. The comic and the tragic character and the incident for the example “A mMidsummerNight’s Dream” by Shakespeare. Its aim is not corrective or satiric but innocent, good nature. In Shakespearean comedies there is intervention of super natural character.
3.   The comedy of Humor:
This comedy of Benjonson comedy classical, realistic and satirical is also called comedy of humor. In this comedy each character is the master passion which governs all his action. The characters are merely type the local familiar.
4.   The comedy of manners:
In this comedy in the restoration age. In this comedy represent the upper classes in which manners are supreme. The backgrounds of this comedy often “London Parks, Streets, fashionable’s ladies” Drawing room and coffee house.
5. Farce:
Farce comedy is a law kind of comedy. Laughter by the used of absurd characters and situations and dialogue as well. It is characterized by exaggeration and there is much nonsense in it.
6. The tragic comedy or Dark comedy:
In this comedy presented tragic or serious problems are presented in the beginning but it ends happily. The ending is happy for same character and unhappy for others serious aspects at the beginning create gloom in the comedy Shakespeare comedy like “Measure for Measure.” The problems here we “What is more important, purity of soul or body?” and the other example from modern drama can be of Samuel Bucket’s “Waiting for Godo’t” and other example like Harold Pinter’s “The Birthday Party.” We can say that comedy is end important form of drama in literature.  It can make the readers laugh and this various type given as above.
What is Sentimental comedy and Anti-Sentimental comedy?
It can be defined as overindulgence of emotions of pathos and sympathy. Sentimental present upper class. When Anti-sentimental comedy present middle class. Sentimental comedy contains with reaction of middle class against obscenity audience scenes with extreme emotions evoking excessive. The Anti-sentimental comedy restoration comedy was fallow by the sentimental comedy of Steele and other amd had a great vogue in the 18th century, until ‘Tearful Muse was laughed out by Gold smith and Sheridan.
The comedy of humor which Goldsmith and Sheridan cultivate in 18th century was the                                  reaction against the sentimental comedy of clabber out put in Anti-sentimental comedy; it takes old Forney of comedy.comedy of manners, which is also called generally for the Anti-sentimental comedy.
Characteristic of Anti-sentimental comedy:
1. Amusing intrigues and situations.
2. Satirical comedy and irony.
3. Marriage for love and marriage for money.
4. Wit of langaguge and verbal dialogue.
5. Emotions have boundaries.
6. Farce and disguise.
The anti-sentimental comedy deals with the and etc focus on major character as lover.
Let’s discuss about the Anti- sentimental comedy with its characteristics.
1. The Rival
2. The School for Scandal.
3. She Stoop Conquer.
1. She Stoops Conquer:
This wonderful comedy by biggest play Wright, Oliver Gold smith in its time healding the era of laughing comedies and being contemporary to other play. The story revolves around the family of Hard castle and their frands Gold smith bring out the comic effect in depicting this character, their foibles and schemes and in which lend them in more troubles, in the very beginning in the very beginning of play in the first scene speech by Hard castle.
She Stoops to conquer was produce in 1773 Tony Lumkin frequenter of the “Three jolly pigeons idle and ignorant but the cunning and marvelous. Charles Marlow and Miss Hard castle and the young man and his friends, according travel down to pay the hard castle a visit. Marlow treating hard castle as the land lord of the supposed inn, making violent love to Miss Hard castle that he takes for one of the servant
This comedy is very wonderful comedy by Gold smith. In this comedy of character comic effective and depicting these character. At the time of her Stoops Conquer, popular theatre comedy was superadded into what was commonly termed “sentimental comedy” and “Laughing comedy”
By the depicting emotional distress the play moves the audience. The moral of the play is to mating the virtue. In sentimental comedy the hero is a positive rot agonist. Steel wanted sentimental comedy to be a source of role model. So he replaced laughter with serious attitude of life character high moral statement is similar to tragedy.
In these play almost or character are good.
 In this novel ending the novel through in those play Gold smith presented image through the character. Love is central theme, but for money also this comedy is very wonderful comedy. In this comedy character are very wonderful and interesting characters.
The rival:
In this play they are regarding as a pardy of sentimental comedy. The sense between Falkland and Julia are satire on the sentimental comedy.  This sentimental comedy would clearly reveal that Sheridan’s intention was to poke fun at the sentimental comedy. The true character is Falkland is indicated to us by Absolute description of him as the “Most easing, captious, incorrigible lover” Sheridan seems to pleading for mental equilibrium even in the case of an ardent lover. Lydia two us over sentimental girl though in different way, she two becomes the subject ridicule in the play. Her romantic idea her and romantic planning appear absurd to us. She also wants not the usual routine marriage but a run way marriage.
The reaction of Gold smith and Sheridan the comedy of sentimental driven out. Gold smith; s play a reflection of the idealism which was the beginning to ending its self in the realistic age. The Rivals was written as a comedy pure and simple. Sheridan continues to Falkland in the same satirical manner. The manner in which the other characters have been portrayed is also evidence of anti-sentimental character of the play. Bob acres are a country boor with no romantic or sentimental pretension but towards the play he shows that he is more practical than anybody else by saying:
“If I can’t a wife without fighting for her, by any valour, I’ll live a bachelor.”   
Then there is Sir Luscious who is absurd but because of sentimentality. One reason why he is because of his insistence on fighting duels. But he does not want to fight duels for the sake of my sentiment.
3. The School for Scandal:
Lady sneer well, who in her youth was the target slander, has set her life upon a course to reduce the reputations of other women to the level of her own. The love between Charles and Maria and to gain Charles for herself along with sir Oliver’s fortune. She is not successful however, when she abuses Charles listen it her.
Sometime sir peter trazle ponders the wisdom of his marriage to lady Teazle, doubting the judgments of an old bachelor in marrying a young wife. Lady Treazle is a country bred girl who is enjoying London life extra vagantliand to the full.
One day sir peter and Lady Teazle quarrel because sir peter violently objects to her attendance at the home of Lady Sneer well. When they arrive, Lady Sneer well’s room are full of people uttering libelous remarks about their enemies and saying even worse things about their friends. Sir Peter escapes as soon as possible.


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