Sunday, 18 October 2015

Faminism of Perspective of Paradise Lost

Name: Zarna Bhatti
Course: M.A. Part:1 Sem:1
Paper no: 1
Topic: Faminism of prespective of the epic poem Paradise Lost
Year: 2015-2017
Enrollment no: PG15101005
Email Id:
Submitted to: Smt. S.B.Gardi Department of English
M.K.Bhavanagar University.

Feminism of prespective  of the epic poem Paradise Lost
“Paradise Lost” written by John Milton  he was born in London on 9th desember 1608. Milton’s literary work are effective and his first  literary work in write a wrote in poem “Lycidas”. Milton’s making a twelve books “Paradise Lost” great and popular an epic poem. His other work is “The Reason For Church Government” in 1642.
“Paradise Lost” is an epic written by English poet John Milton. He is 17th century’s English poet “Paradise Lost” devided to twelve book. In this epic there is full of description the bibalical story of the fall of man and woman. Milton’s also stated “Paradise Lost” written by John Milton. He is a Puritan age ‘s writer. Milton’s character are such as no human hand could adequately portray.Milton’s epic poem “Paradise Lost” is a very great and longest book. The “Paradise Lost” this poem are pictured with an  imagination that is almost super human.The poem is in these closely pictures and in the outstanding thought and the marvelous melody with which they are impressed on our minds. Milton describes the separation of earth and water and there is little or nothing added to the simplicity and strength of genesis.
In this poem most important character is in book no:9th like: Adam, Satan and Eve. Milton talked about this book favoured creation he also described the bibalical stoty of “Heaven and Hell”. The poem of Adam and Eve’s temptation and fall is a fundamentally different  kind of epic: a domestic one.
Milton’s feminism is a very beautiful description in this greatest epic “Paradise Lost”. Eve is the heroine of the epic poem. Eve is wise and able and she is superior to Adam only in her beauty.  Eve is a traditional model of a good wife Eve is also presented by Milton’s greatest epic. She is more intelligent and curious about external ideas than her husband. In her solitude, she is temted  by Satan to sin against God. Adam shortly follows along with her. Milton gives faith to women’s rationality,maturity and the presence of the characteristics in Eve. Milton also presents an Eve as God would have made her. After closely examining “Paradise Lost” one can see that Milton is an advance  feminist writer in a dominately patriarchal society. Milton has actually taken on  a God like quality:out of the evil views concerning Eve, he create God.
Book no:9th In this book description of temptation scene. In this line  I present:
“Satan forgets for a while his revengeful ideas and lost in the beauty of Eve”
In this line our suggest revenge verses beauty and according to John Milton beauty of Eve.Eve is mesmerized at Serpant’s power to speak like man and his reason. Asks him from where he got his power Serpant takes him to the tree of knowledge. She argued that God has refused to eat from this tree:
“Of the fruit of each tree in the garden we may eat;
But of the fruit of this fair tree,admist.
The garden, God hath said, ‘ye shall not eat there of nor shall ye touch it;lest ye die.”
In this dialogue  very interesting and effective dialogue. Eve after eating a fruit Eve felling instant her love converted lustful.
Appels not describe the Bible but only fruit describe and  Milton also describe particular “Appel” Milton also describe interesting Epic. Satan always wants to Adam and Eve chance for happy but Adam and Eve in chance for bad.This book no:1st first line is of
 “Man first Disobidience.” When we showing the book no:9th in this book’s first line in to the starting; “Satan, having compassed the Earth with mediated guile return as a mist by night in to paradise.”
Satan is also wanted to only ambition and revenge.But Eve’s atteraction of beauty he was the “Revenge”and “Ambition” down and he was forgotten to his revenge.
Eve’s soliloquy are very long and very well her’s soliloquy . In this soliloquy before the eating fruit
“Thy praise he also who forbids thy use conceals not from us,
Naming thee  the tree of knowledge,knowledge both of Good and Evil; forbids us then to teste.”
Eve’s soliloquy after eating fruit:
 “Superior; for inferior,who is free? This may be well; but what if God have seen, and death ensue? Then I shall be no more; and Adam, wedded to another Eve shall live with her enjoying”
Eve has thus far been paralled to Satan in an enormously negative light, as the mirrors his disobedience, vanity and ungrateful desirs. If Eve is so much alike to satan in his negative traits. She should be very much like his positive character as well.In eating the fruit and felling, Eve excercised her potential for rebellion one that was not orchestrated by Satan but always was present. Eve is potrayed as the  inferior of the pair from the moment she is first created. While it is indeed her that eats the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge ,thus technically causing man’s fall from Paradise, it is because of her naivete and vanity, qualities that God gave her, that allows her to be tricked in to eating this fruit. It is this event that Eve is most in famous since not only were she and expelled from Paradise; it is because of her action that sin and death are released  in to the world.
Milton portrays Eve as inferior by emphasizing Eve as inferior, Milton’s is implying that she is not as important as Adam. Throughout the history, people have blamed Eve for the fall of human kind and this depiction of Eve rein forces many theories about how woman’s weakness and lack of reason led to the original sin and the dimiss from Paradise. After Eve eats the fruit, Eve immediately changes. She beings to think of way of becoming Adam’s equalor perhaps his superior but fearful  of losing Adam to another female creation, she desides that he must eat the fruit also Adam does so but not because of Eve’s argument. He eats will fully because he is unwilling to be parted  from Eve.
After the fall, Eve like Adam Adam in acrimonious and depressed.However, her love for Adam initiates the regeneration of the pair. She apologizes and her love cause a change in Adam;they can face the future together. Eve is also glorified by being told that her seed will eventually destroy Satan though her position in relation to Adam is made clear when Michael puts her to sleep while he shows Adam the vision of the future.
Eve is certainly not a feminist heroine, like so many characters in the epic, she has an assigned role in the hierarchy of the universe. Milton does not denigrate women through the character of Eve. He  simly follows the thoughtof his time as to the role of women as Adam but in the hierarchy of the universe, she falls just below him.
John Milton’s epic  poem, “Paradise Lost” is considered to be one of the great  work prodused in the 17th century and indeed to be one of the most influential and popular works in resent literary history. Milton present tragic and chrition epic.Feminisim  is  a multi disciplinary approach to gender equality understood through social theories and political activism. Milton’s feminism must be shown to urge the equality of women.”What Adam want In a mate is what God bring him in Eve .”  I also says most of the literary work and movie presented  man is strong and women are weak. Milton presented confliting evidence about Eve’s character and the place  of women. Eve is a flate character he gave power and argument Eve. Eve is  also given logic.
In this epic poem’s main theme are “Justify the ways of God to man.” “Paradise Lost” is not theology but to literary work. “Paradise Lost” source of Bible. Adam, Eve and Satan is most centeral character in this epic poem’s character.The God: created heaven’s and Earth beginning of the book. Eve’s character are rational in this book no:9th. Eve, Adam and Satan this character are flate and life lively character. Eve is more intelligeant, powerful, maturity woman than Adam. “Paradise Lost” in the epic poem described shrungar rass.
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